Below is a list of the abbreviations used on VidSwap's system Lacrosse Stat Sheets:
LACROSSE (MEN) (for Women's Lacrosse, please see below):
- G = Goals by Athlete (Simple count; # of Goals)
- A = Assists by Athlete (Simple count; # of Assists)
- Pts = Points by Athlete (Goals by Athlete + Assists by Athlete)
- Sh = Shots by Athlete (Simple count; # of Shots)
- Sh% = Shot Percentage by Athlete (Goals by Athlete / Shots by Athlete)
- SOG = Shots On Goal by Athlete (Goals by Athlete + Saves by Athlete)
- SOG% = Shots On Goal Percentage by Athlete (SOG by Athlete / Shots by Athlete)
- GB = Ground Balls by Athlete (Simple count; # of Ground Balls)
- TO = Turnovers by Athlete (Simple count; # of Turnovers)
- CTO = Turnovers Caused by Athlete (Simple count; # of Turnovers Caused)
- FO = Faceoffs by Athlete String (FO Won - FO lost / FO % by Athlete)
- GA = Goals Allowed by Athlete (Simple count; # of Goals Allowed)
- Avg = Goals Against Average by Athlete
- S = Saves by Athlete (Simple count; # of Saves)
- SOG = Shots On Goal / Athlete (Simple count; # of Shots on Athlete)
- % = Goalkeeper Save Percentage by Athlete (Goalkeeper Saves by Athlete / Goalkeeper SOG on Athlete)
- 1 = Goals by Team; 1st Period (Simple count; # of Goals)
- 2 = Goals By Team; 2nd Period (Simple count; # of Goals)
- 3 =Goals by Team; 3rd Period (Simple count; # of Goals)
- 4 = Goals by Team; 4th Period (Simple count; # of Goals)
- OT = Goals by Team; OT Period (Simple count; # of Goals)
- TOTAL = Total Goals by Team (Simple count; # of Goals)
- G-Sh-% = Goals, Shots, and Shot Percentage by Team (Simple counts)
- SOG-Sh = Shots On Goal and Shots by Team (Simple counts)
- SV = Saves by Team (Simple count; # of Saves)
- Man Up G = Man Up Goals by Team (Simple count; # of Goals in Man Up)
- Man Up = Man Up Converted / Man Up Opportunities = Percentage by Team
- Pos = Possession Time by Team (Simple count)
- Off Eff = Offensive Efficiency by Team (Goals by Team / # of Attacks by Team)
- Attack = Attack Area by Team (Simple Count - Time Tally)
- GB = Ground Balls by Team (Simple count)
- TO = Turnovers by Team (Simple count)
- CTO = Turnovers Caused By Team (Simple count)
- FO = Faceoffs by Team String (Faceoffs Won by Team / Faceoffs Lost by Team = Percentage)
- CL = Clears By Team String (Successful Clears / Attempts = Percentage)
- G = Goals by Athlete (Simple count; # of Goals)
- A = Assists by Athlete (Simple count; # of Assists)
- Pts = Points by Athlete (Goals by Athlete + Assists by Athlete)
- Sh = Shots by Athlete (Simple count; # of Shots)
- Sh% = Shot Percentage by Athlete (Goals by Athlete / Shots by Athlete)
- SOG = Shots On Goal by Athlete (Goals by Athlete + Saves by Athlete)
- SOG% = Shots On Goal Percentage by Athlete (SOG by Athlete / Shots by Athlete)
- GB = Ground Balls by Athlete (Simple count; # of Ground Balls)
- DC = Draws Controlled by Athlete (Simple count; # of Draws Controlled)
- TO = Turnovers by Athlete (Simple count; # of Turnovers)
- CTO = Turnovers Caused by Athlete (Simple count; # of Turnovers Caused)
- GA = Goals Allowed by Athlete (Simple count; # of Goals Allowed)
- Avg = Goals Against Average by Athlete
- S = Saves by Athlete (Simple count; # of Saves)
- SOG = Shots On Goal / Athlete (Simple count; # of Shots on Athlete)
- % = Goalkeeper Save Percentage by Athlete (Goalkeeper Saves by Athlete / Goalkeeper SOG on Athlete)
- 1 = Goals by Team; 1st Period (Simple count; # of Goals)
- 2 = Goals By Team; 2nd Period (Simple count; # of Goals)
- OT = Goals by Team; OT Period (Simple count; # of Goals)
- TOTAL = Total Goals by Team (Simple count; # of Goals)
- G-Sh-% = Goals - Shots - Shot Percentage by Team
- SOG-Sh-% = Shots On Goal - Shots by Team - Percentage
- Free Pos - Free Position Shots By Team (Simple count)
- SV = Saves by Team (Simple count)
- Pos = Possession Time by Team (Simple count)
- Attack = Attack Area by Team (Simple count - time tally)
- Off Eff = Offensive Efficiency by Team (Goals by Team / # of Attacks by Team)
- GB = Ground Balls by Team (Simple count)
- DC = Draws Controlled by Team (Simple count)
- TO = Turnovers by Team (Simple count)
- CTO = Turnovers Caused By Team (Simple count)
- CL = Clears By Team String (Successful Clears / Attempts = Percentage)