To get started, access your 'Playbook' from your Applications Dashboard:
Click on 'Pages' to open a previously created Playbook, or press the 'Add Playbook' button (the '+' button on the far right side of the top header) to begin a new one:
(You can also switch between different seasons' Playbooks by clicking on the season listed in the upper left hand corner of the screen)
You will begin with a blank page. You can start work right away, or can add a template to the page to work on via the 'Page Background' box on the right side of the screen:
You can 'Add Pages' as you go via the 'Add Page' button on left side of the page. You can also drag and drop your different Playbook pages into the sequential order you prefer.
Forming the left border of the page you're working on, our Playbook interaction elements are similar in set-up to our Telestration tools. Each tool you select will have a properties panel that opens on the right side of the page which will allow you to set such things as line style, shape outline (or fill) color, line width, shape "order" and "transparency", and much more:
The options include:
A "Select" tool - The Pointer. Selecting this will 'reset' your current choice of active element, or allow you to select one or multiple elements at once. You can do so by either clicking on a single element, dragging a 'box' around a group of elements, or by holding down your 'Shift' key and clicking on the various individual element(s) you wish to select.
A Freehand Pen. Selecting this will allow you to draw a line on the video via your mouse.
A Square. Selecting this will allow you to add a 'Square' element to the page, wherever you click your mouse. This square can be resized and moved. The green "G" next to the square also allows you to spin and reorient the graphic. The color of the graphic (as well as 'layering' options, if you wanted to 'stack' elements) can be changed via the 'Square Properties' box that appears to the right when the 'Square' element is selected.
A Circle. Selecting this will allow you to add a 'Circle' element to the page, wherever you click your mouse. This circle can be resized and moved. The green "G" next to the circle also allows you to spin and reorient the graphic. The color of the graphic (as well as 'layering' options, if you wanted to 'stack' elements) can be changed via the 'Circle Properties' box that appears to the right when the 'Circle' element is selected.
A Triangle. Selecting this will allow you to add a 'Triangle' element to the page, wherever you click your mouse. This triangle can be resized and moved. The green "G" next to the triangle also allows you to spin and reorient the graphic. The color of the graphic (as well as 'layering' options, if you wanted to 'stack' elements) can be changed via the 'Triangle Properties' box that appears to the right when the 'Triangle' element is selected.
A Line. Selecting this will allow you to add an arrow to your page which will trace any path you assign to it. Click on a point onscreen to set the start point, move your mouse to the point where you wish it to stop or change direction, click again to set the anchor point, and repeat until you have the line you want. Double click to finish the arrow.
An "A" - Text. Select this and then click anywhere on the page to open a text box and enter text. This text can be resized and moved. The green "G" next to the text box will allow you to spin and reorient the text box and the color of the text can be changed via the 'Text Properties' box that appears to the right when the 'Text' element is selected. After typing the text you want in your text box, you will need to "close" the text box in order to save it by either pressing the 'esc' key or by clicking your mouse anywhere on the screen outside of the text box.
A "+" - Insert Snippet / Template. By selecting this option, you'll be able to add a pre-saved Snippet to your page. (See below for help on creating a Snippet.)
Zoom In.
Zoom Out.
'Undo'. Clicking on the 'Undo' button will cycle back through the previous actions you have taken on the page and cancel or reset them.
'Redo'. Clicking on the 'Redo' button will re-deploy changes made while 'Undo'-ing.
A Trash Can - Delete. Please be aware that this deletes THE ENTIRE PAGE on screen at the time. To delete only a singe element, select the "Pointer", click on the element you wish to delete, and press your 'delete' or 'backspace' key.
Creating a Snippet/Template will allow you to 'save and store' a commonly used diagram or pattern of shapes or elements which can then be quickly recalled and assigned to any page you're working on. If the Snippet/Template contains multiple elements (for instance, a diagram of a formation with multiple components) each of those elements will be individually manipulatable when recalled as a Snippet.
To create a Snippet/Template, simply set your diagram and (while in the 'Select' mode) highlight it:
Press the 'Save as Snippet' button in the lower right corner of the page:
Then enter your Snippet info and save it:
To call your Snippet onto the page, simply press the "+" ("Insert Snippet") button along the left border of the page:
You can save your playbook by clicking on the 'Save Playbook' button in the upper right corner of the screen.
You can export your playbook as a PDF document by pressing on the 'Export to PDF' button.
The 'Present' button will engage 'presentation mode' and show your Playbook pages without all the toolbars and properties tabs.
You can add, view, or edit notes on your Playbook pages (and "direct" them to certain positions or people on your roster) by clicking on the 'Show Assignments' button in the lower right corner of the playbook page screen:
Access to these notes is available in 'Presentation' mode as well: