Abbreviations In Handball Stat Sheets

Below is a list of the abbreviations used on VidSwap's system Basketball Stat Sheets:


- G = Team Total Goals
- SH = Team Total Shots
- Shot % = Team Shooting Efficiency
- 6-9 G = Team 6-9m Total Goals
- 6-9 S = Team 6-9m Total Shots
- 6-9 S% = Team 6-9m Shooting Efficiency
- >9 G = Team 9m Total Goals
- >9 S = Team 9m Total Shots
- >9 S% = Team 9m Shooting Efficiency
- Maj G = Team Player Majority Goal
- Maj S = Team Player Majority Total Shots
- Maj S% = Team Player Majority Shooting Efficiency
- Min G = Team Player Minority Total Goals
- Min S = Team Player Minority Total Shots
- MIn S% = Team Player Minority Shooting Efficiency

- GA = Team Total Goals Allowed
- SA = Team Total Shots Allowed
- Saves = Team Total Shots Saved
- TOA = Team Total Turnovers
- TOF = Team Turnovers For

- Fouls = Team Total Fouls
- Off Fouls = Team Total Offensive Fouls
- Def Fouls = Team Total Defensive Fouls
- YC = Team Total Yellow Cards
- RC = Team Total Red Cards
- PP = Team Total Power Play
- PP Conv. = Team Total Converted Power Play
- PP Conv % = Team Total Power Play Conversion Rate
- Opp PP = Opponent Team total Power Play
- PK = Opponent Team Total Killed Power Play
- PK% = Opponent Team Power Play Kill Rate


- G = Athlete Total Goals
- S = Athlete Total Shots
- % = Athlete Total Shooting Efficiency
- 6-9MG = Athlete 6-9m Total Goals
- 6-9MS = Athlete 6-9m Total Shots
- 6-9M% = Athlete 6-9m Shooting Efficiency
- >9MG = Athlete 9m Total Goals
- >9MS = Athlete 9m Total Shots
- >9m% = Athlete 9m Shooting Efficiency

- Saves = Athlete Total Saves
- Opp Shots = Athlete Opponent Total Shots
- Save % = Athlete Goalie Save%

- Def Fouls = Athlete Total Defensive Fouls
- Off Fouls = Athlete Total Offensive Fouls
- Tot Fouls = Athlete Total Fouls
- YC = Athlete Yellow Cards
- RC = Athlete Red Card

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