Now that you have created custom attributes for your system or custom tags, it is time to assign them to your clips and put them to work for you.
If you need help creating custom tags for your flow-based sport, please see our help article on this topic here.
If you need help creating custom attributes for your flow-based sport (or to learn more about what 'attributes' are), please see our help article on the topic here.
If you're looking to edit the attributes already assigned to tags in a game, please see our help article here.
To assign basic tags to a game, using your keyboard and mouse is the best set up, and the article below uses this approach.
(If you are looking for a speedy, slightly more advanced way to assign lots of attributes to your tags, we have a keyboard and number pad set up that might work better for you here.)
For this example, I will be using the 'Sample Custom Tag' created here. For the ease of example, it has one attribute of each type (Text, Number, List, Player Roster, and Team Name) associated with it.
You get started by clicking on the 'watch' button of the game you're wanting to work on, and switching into 'timeline' mode (by clicking on the 'edit' button - the notebook and pencil - at the top center of the viewscreen): :
'Tag Mode' is the entry point through which you actively take control of shaping the custom data which is applied to your game. At any time, you can click into 'Tag Mode' to start tagging your game:
When you do, the 'Tag Mode' menu will open on the bottom half of your screen, showing all of your available tags (custom and system) on the left side of the screen (the 'Tag Console') and your attribute window on the right.
By default, the timeline is hidden while in 'Tag Mode'; if desired, you can open a portion of it by clicking on the 'show/hide timeline' button - the button with three horizontal lines to the immediate right of the 'End Tag Mode' button:
When you come to the point in the action where you want to add your Custom Tag and/or Attribute, press the hotkey associated with your tag (in this case, for the 'Sample Custom Tag', the assigned hotkey is "S") or click on the tag's button in the Tag Console.
You will see a tag event (a "blue bubble") created in your 'Custom Tags' section at the red cursor line (marking the current progress through the game) on the bottom left side of the screen. If you had set your tag to have a 'Duration' when you created it, the tag event will be pre-formed; if you did not, the tag will continue to build until you press your hotkey again to "turn it off":
Any attribute you associated with your Custom Tag will appear in the attribute form box on the far right of the screen. Simply click on a button or enter a value in the box to assign that attribute to your tag.
When you have finished with the tag, click on the 'done' button at the bottom of the attribute box.
Repeat this process as many times as necessary to tag all the data you need. After every couple tags, press the 'Save All' button at the top of the attribute box.
ALWAYS be sure to save your work before exiting the timeline.
When you are finished with tagging, click on the 'End Tag Mode' button:
You can check the attributes assigned to a tag by resting your mouse cursor over the tag. You can right click into the tag to edit anything you need to:
Filtering for custom tags or attributes is just as simple as filtering for system tags: simply select the tag from the list and choose any attribute(s) to further refine your search: