How To Create Custom Stat Sheets

Once you set up your Custom Stat(s), a Custom Stat Sheet is the way to incorporate them into your master Statistics reporting.  If you need help setting up Custom Stats, please see this article here


In your Settings > Stat Sheets, you can create your Custom Stat Sheets.  Sheets are based on either Team or Athlete stats.

When creating a new sheet, create a name for the sheet, and add 'Groups' to organize your stats the way you want them.  For this example, I'm just going to create a 'Custom Stat Sheet Example' for a group called 'Goals', but you can create anything you want from the list of available stats on the left side of the box.  Any Custom Stats you have created will show up in that list.

Drag and drop the stats you're looking to display into the 'Group' box, and arrange them in the order you want them. You can use the 'search' box to quickly find any stat you're after.  Please make sure to designate abbreviations for the stats in your Groups - if you do not, the entire title will show in your stats.  You can create as many Groups as you want, and can collapse any Group box down at any time by clicking on the chevron in the upper right corner of the Group box.

Always 'Save' your work when done.

Once you save your Custom Stats Sheet(s), they will apply to all your matches, past and present.  You can access them for a season-wide analysis in your STATS folder, or for a game-by-game analysis from your VIDEOS or SCHEDULES folder(s).





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