If you haven't yet, please run through our upload checklist here.
Reminder > Please use GOOGLE CHROME as your browser.
If your league is using VidSwap for video exchange, all of your video should be uploaded into the public-viewing 'EXCHANGES' area.
If your conference office has not yet entered the event details into the 'EXCHANGES', you will be responsible for creating the event, then uploading video into it (and can do so by following the steps below).
Your coaches have the ability to add events and to upload from their own log-ins.
If your league is using our editing service, all games will be logged after upload and will be available to analyze within the 'EXCHANGES' section.
To add a video to the current season/schedule, click the blue 'Upload Video' button in the top left corner of your Applications dashboard:
Any match that needs to be shared with the other members of your conference should be uploaded into 'Exchange Schedule Video' (and will end up in your 'EXCHANGES' tab). Any game you wish to keep private and not share should be uploaded as 'Private Video' (these will end up in your 'VIDEOS' folder).
Click on the 'upload' box to the right of the Schedule you need to upload into:
Now fill out the game info and PLEASE MAKE SURE it's all correct. You can't change this later. Please be sure to add your online stats link for the game.
(If you're uploading video for a play-based sport like football or baseball, and need help choosing between the 'Clipped' or 'Continuous' video format, please see this article here.)
For help filling out your lineup charts, please look here.
Selecting files for your upload:
If you have two or more angles to upload for your game (sideline and endzone, for example), both of those angles should be uploaded during the same upload session, and into the same playlist (NOT separately).
In the upload window, click 'add angle'.
For 'Basic'-level breakdowns, single-angle films, sideline video, or the wide-angle shot of an 'Advanced'-level breakdown, select that footage for the 'add 1st Angle video'.
If you need to add a second (or more) angle of footage (such as the tight-angle shot of an 'Advanced'-level breakdown or an endzone video), after selecting the first angle footage (but BEFORE pressing 'Upload File(s)'), press 'Add Angle' again and select that footage for the 'add 2nd Angle video'.
If you only had one camera filming your game, please do NOT upload different CLIPS as different ANGLES. The basic rule (barring an odd event like needing to switch cameras halfway through a game because the battery died, etc.) is to load all of one camera's footage as one angle.
You can use your Shift or Control keys to select multiple files for upload. The order you set these videos in is the order we will "stitch them together" before logging your match. PLEASE ARRANGE THESE FILES IN THE ORDER THAT THE GAME PROGRESSES CHRONOLOGICALLY; you can drag and drop the files to reorder if needed.
If there is an error in the running order of your video, you will have to re-upload the game, and potentially have it re-logged.
If you're on an AVCHD camera in MP4 mode, the files are usually located in a DCIM folder, then labeled as .MP4.
If you're uploading from an AVCHD camera in AVCHD mode, the files will be located in the PRIVATE > AVCHD > BDMV > STREAM folder. You will want the .MTS files.
If you're on a newer Mac, the AVCHD folders will be packaged in a Quicktime file and you'll need to copy the video files onto your desktop so they can be grabbed for uploading. Simply right click and choose 'Show Package Contents' for AVCHD and BDMV until you reach the STREAM folder:
IF YOU'RE UPLOADING FROM A DVD, select the VOB files directly from the DVD starting with the number 1.
Please do NOT load the .VOB file that is around 60 KB. That is an index file, not video, and will crash your upload.
Once all your files have been added, click 'Upload File(s)'.
If you've already uploaded but the upload was interrupted (leading to only part of the game being online), you can continue the upload. For play-based sports like football, baseball, or softball, if you were uploading a 'Clipped' match you can continue the upload from where it left off; you don't need to re-upload the whole thing. If you were uploading a 'Continuous' video, you do need to re-upload all files again.
For flow-based sports like soccer, hockey, basketball, or volleyball, you'll need to select all of the files for the game and re-upload.
Select the playlist you're looking to re-upload, and choose the "upload" box to the right of the playlist title.
You can report a problem with an event or game by clicking the 'report problem' link from the event's action dropdown box (the small box with the upside down triangle, found to the far right of the event listing).