Our video player supports slow motion, fast motion, frame stepping, skip forward/backwards 5 seconds, skip play to play (clip to clip), scrubbing, keyboard shortcuts, and remote control use.
Keyboard shortcuts include:
For Flow-based Sports with Timeline Editor (Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, Volleyball, etc.):
Step Backwards - 5 seconds: z
Rewind (Safari only): hold down "x"
Slow Backwards (Safari only): hold down "c"
Play/Pause: v
Slow Forward (Frame Stepping): hold down "b"
Fast Forward: hold down "n"
Step Forward + 5 seconds: m
Next Clip (when filtering): right arrow
Previous Clip (when filtering): left arrow
Switch Angle: shift
For Play-based Sports with Playclips Editor (Football, Baseball, etc.):
Step Backwards - 5 seconds: z
Rewind (Safari only): hold down "x"
Slow Backwards (Safari only): hold down "c"
Play/Pause: v
Slow Forward (Frame Stepping): hold down "b"
Fast Forward: hold down "n"
Step Forward + 5 seconds: m
Next Clip: right arrow
Previous Clip: left arrow
Switch Angle: shift