For flow-based sports, such as soccer, volleyball, hockey, or lacrosse:
When you click into the game on your iOS device, you’ll be launched straight into the action!
Your fullscreen video playback will be bordered on either side with your video player controls: from top to bottom, those functions include:
- Play/Pause
- Slow Forward/Backwards (hold down for framestepping)
- Fast Forward/Rewind (hold down for framestepping)
- +5 sec/-5 sec
- Switch angle (if applicable)
- Switch Control Bar location.
Along the header above the video (from left to right), you'll see options for going back a step to your previous folder, the name of the game you're watching, a link for calculating stats for the game you're viewing, and an access to your Filters.
When you click into your filters, you'll see all your filtering options laid out for you. Simply pick and choose the Filters you wish to apply (scrolling right and left through the list to access all the data choices), and tap on them.
A white checkmark will appear by your choice(s), and the total number of clips that those Filters apply to will be displayed on the top header. (Along the top header, you can also apply lead or lag time to your Filter results, or clear the Filters for a fresh start.)
For the example below, the Filters are set to search for the corner kicks taken by Minnesota:
Once you set your Filters, just go back to the game (press the link in the upper left hand corner of the screen), and those clips will play for you.
Notice a few new control buttons appear, allowing you to skip forwards or backwards through the list of filtered clips, or add one (or all) filtered clips to a highlight:
(For more information on creating a highlight in the iPad / iPhone app, please see this article here.)
To change or clear your Filters, just click back in to your Filters page (using the link in the top right hand corner of your screen), and choose new filters or press the 'Clear Filters' button.
For play-based sports, such as football, baseball, or softball:
As with flow-based sports, your fullscreen video playback will be bordered on either side with your video player controls: from top to bottom, those functions include:
- Next/Previous Clip
- Play/Pause
- Slow Forward/Backwards (hold down for framestepping)
- Fast Forward/Rewind (hold down for framestepping)
- +5 sec/-5 sec
- Switch angle (if applicable)
- Switch Control Bar location
- Add clip to Highlight
(For more information on creating a highlight in the iPad / iPhone app, please see this article here.)
Along the header above the video, you'll see options for going back to your list of games, a way to toggle between your grid setups, an option to watch the intercut of multi-angle video (if applicable), an option to view the current play in a loop, a link for calculating stats for the game, and a button to access your filters.
When you click into your filters, you'll see all your filtering options laid out for you. Simply pick and choose the Filters you wish to apply (scrolling right and left through the list to access all the data choices), and tap on them.
A white checkmark will appear by your choice(s), and the total number of clips that those Filters apply to will be displayed on the top header.
For the example below, the Filters are set to search for Quad City's first down plays in the second quarter:
Once your Filters are set, just go back to the game (press the link in the upper left hand corner of the screen), and those clips will play for you.