You can easily select any number of your games or highlights and e-mail them (via a link) to whoever needs them. You can send them to an athletic recruiter, a non-VidSwap user, an opponent, a family member, or anyone! You can also exchange or swap videos with a VidSwap user.
The best part is that the link you send isn't merely a download link: the recipient can watch and even filter the video from the link you send.
(Any custom tags you have assigned to any sent game(s) will still be kept private, and will NOT be shared by exchanging video.)
If you're looking to send a single game, go to the 'actions' dropdown box (the small box with the upside-down triangle in it) located to the far right of the match you're wanting to send. Choose the 'email' option.
If you wish to send multiple games, click in the boxes to the left of the playlists you wish to send and click on the 'Actions' button along the top right corner of the page:
When you do, you will be able to choose the manner in which you send your video:
Selecting 'Just the Video' (and pressing 'Next >>') will provide a link that you can e-mail to the party you want to receive the game. This will just be a raw video file, with no tags or filtering options included.
You can also send your 'Video With Data', to get the recipient access to the game analysis & tags.
By default, the game will be sent 'One Way', meaning you are sending the video(s) to the other party with no need of receiving any videos in return.
A 'Two Way' exchange must be with another VidSwap customer, but it allows you to request the same number of games you are sending from the recipient in return. They won't be unable to 'unlock' the matches you've sent until they send the same number of games back to you.
When a user plugs a 'Two Way' link into their browser they will receive this notice:
After they choose the matches to send back to you (the same number of matches that you sent them), they can unlock and download and/or view the matches you sent them, with all the logging data intact.
Any custom tags you have assigned to this game will still be kept private, and will NOT be shared by exchanging video.
You will receive an e-mail notification that a two-way swap obligation has been met, along with a link to access the videos that they have sent you.
When you engage in a two-way game exchange with another VidSwap customer, you can immediately add those matches you just received to your VIDEOS folder, without having to download or re-upload them or having them be re-logged.
Just click on the "actions" dropdown box to the right of the match information, and choose 'add to my playlists'. That file will immediately be transferred to your VIDEOS section.